Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Club’s May Student of the Month was Harbison West Elementary School student Ma’Kayla Davis. Principal Randy Norman said of Davis, “Ma’Kayla is a well rounded student both in the classroom and outside of school. She is part of the HWES cheer team, the morning news showContinue Reading

Members of the St. Andrew’s Woman’s Club met recently at Leeza’s Care Connection to clean out the flower bed under their sign and plant fresh flowers. The eight flats of vinca were donated by Seven Oaks Plant Shop. The members participating were Mary North, Ann Martin, Barbara Williams, Susan Smith,Continue Reading

FBI director’s award recognizes “outstanding contributions to our nation’s communities” By W. Thomas Smith Jr.   BUILDING BETTER COMMUNTIES (BBC), a Columbia-based nonprofit which helps support marginalized and struggling communities across the Midlands, received the FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award during ceremonies at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., Friday, MayContinue Reading

The Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo held their 37th annual golf tournament at Golden Hills Country Club in Lexington on Monday, May 1. The 9:30am shotgun captain’s choice tournament saw nearly 80 golfers tee-off in this fundraiser to support youth in the community. The platinum sponsor for the event wasContinue Reading

Earlier this month, some of the St. Andrews Woman’s Club members put up signs and pinwheels at Leo’s Landing to bring awareness to Child Abuse since April is Prevent Child Abuse Month. Pictured left to right are Barbara Cross, Jo Norris, Gail Elfert, and Elizabeth Taylor.Continue Reading

The March 31 speaker for the Optimist Club of Irmo-St. Andrews was Courtney Dennis, Irmo Town Manager. Dennis has a long association with the Club, beginning early-on with his representation of the police Explorer Post, a cause the Club has supported for several years. He rose through the ranks ofContinue Reading

St. Andrews Woman’s Club held their annual fundraiser recently with members and friends in the community gathering to play Bunco. The event had food and drinks, a silent auction, and a 50/50 board. Money raised will be donated to local charities in the community.Continue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five is hosting a Community Resource Fair on March 28 at Irmo High School’s Center for the Arts from 5:00 p.m.– 7:00 p.m. The free event is open to all families in School District Five and will feature information about valuable resources and services available for familiesContinue Reading

The motto of the Optimist International organization and that of St. Andrews Optimists locally is “Friend of Youth.” Much—if not all— of the local Club’s focus is on interacting with people who work with youth and on raising funds to support those organizations. In that vein, the Club welcomed Dr.Continue Reading