Dear Editor,   It’s obvious that how the “WE SAY ” on the Christmas magnets came about has confused many people.   The Bill O’Reilly information piece should help to clarify the start of WE SAY.     As O’Reilly pointed out  there were companies who told their employeesContinue Reading

On its December 13, 2023 website and in its December 21, 2023 print issue, the New Irmo News praised the efforts of Wayne Damron, who provides and distributes over 5,000 “We Say Merry Christmas” magnetic bumper stickers every year. The article reported that “Wayne’s initiative . . . emerged fromContinue Reading

In 2017 my wife, Catherine (Cathy) Huddle, attended a school board meeting and came back dismayed. The meeting was about building what would become Piney Woods Elementary on Amicks Ferry Rd outside Chapin. Cathy was disheartened that, despite massive public opposition, the board voted 6-1 to build the school inContinue Reading

Open Letter Why vote? The reason is simple, what voice of government do you want over you, your kids, grandkids, and your future? This letter is for all dads, moms and grandparents who are concerned about progressive gender ideologies and left-wing activism that conflict with conservative Christian values. In thisContinue Reading

I served on D5 School Board with both Ken Loveless and Cathy Huddle and they have always put students first while listening to our teachers and supporting their needs. They bring true business sense that is needed as our schools need more and more resources. Education needs continue to increaseContinue Reading

To whom it may concern, I am supporting Mike Ward in his candidacy for the Lexington-Richland 5 School Board. I have worked with Mike quite a bit over the last few years on the Okra Strut Commission and I think he would be a natural as a school board member. HeContinue Reading