By Al Dozier Five Lexington County Council seats will be contested in the upcoming June 11 Republican primary. Michael Bishop, the former mayor of the town of Springdale, is running against incumbent Scott Whetstone in District 1 in the Gaston-Pelion-Swansea area. Bishop owns and operates Dust to Dust, a greenContinue Reading

Conservation Voters of South Carolina (CVSC) have announced a primary endorsements Dean Widener (Republican) for State House District 85 in Lexington County. CVSC has chosen to support the candidate based on his commitment to conservation values and putting voters in their districts first regarding all issues facing our state. SinceContinue Reading

COLUMBIA, SC – Zoe Warren, Republican conservative candidate for South Carolina Senate District 23, has introduced a resolution aimed at tightening restrictions on the distribution of obscene materials in South Carolina school and public libraries. Presented to the Lexington County Republican Party (LCRP), the resolution received unanimous approval at theContinue Reading

Gabriel Penfield won a seat on the Irmo town council on February 27. Penfield was opposed by George Frazier. Both men ran unsuccessfully in the November election andfound themselves facing each other again for the special election.  With all precincts reporting, Gabriel Penfield claimed 433 votes to Frazier’s 135 toContinue Reading

Irmo residents are heading back to the polls in a special election on February 27 to fill the Town Council seat left vacant by Mayor Bill Danielson. Two candidates who previously ran for town-wide at-large seats in 2023 are back in the running. The candidates vying for the role areContinue Reading

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley made a stop at Irmo Town Park on Saturday, February 17, as part of her ‘Beast of the Southeast’ bus tour. The former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina governor aimed to garner more voter attention as she campaigns in the South. During her visit,Continue Reading