By Tom Poland, A Southern Man Will Always Wage War I remember the Vietnam anti-war protests at the University of Georgia. Some group firebombed the Army ROTC building and I recall four protestors walking abreast holding a “Stop War Now” banner. “Stop war now” chanted the throng behind them.Continue Reading

By Dee Griffin Snoring is an issue that affects not only the person snoring but for their bed partner as well. Lack of sleep can cause more issues than just being tired the next day. Snoring happens when air flows past relaxed tissues in the throat causing them to vibrateContinue Reading

By Dee Griffin The flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and the allergies are flowing. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and some natural remedies can help reduce the discomfort during this season. The main cause of springtime allergies include pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. These plants release pollen intoContinue Reading

By Radley West In our busy, fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the spaces we inhabit. But the truth is, our physical environment has a profound impact on our mental clarity and overall well-being. A cluttered, chaotic space can mirror a cluttered mind, while a clean, organized space creates roomContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders Most of us over 60 have heard that old rhyme: “The thigh bone is connected to the leg bone, the leg bone is connected to the ankle bone, etc.” A similar analogy can be expressed whenever we voice concern over the ear, nose, or throat, as theyContinue Reading

By Sarah Ostergaard Like democracy, education is a participatory exercise and we all have essential roles to play in support of our local public school system. A well-functioning public education system requires that we communicate with our elected officials to educate them after making sure we are educated on theContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we outlined how modern cars, and other innocent home appliances, are conducting surveillance on us. We referred to our automobiles as computers on wheels but they’re also called privacy nightmares. Hundreds of sensors, cameras, and microphones are recording human interactions and car’s activitiesContinue Reading

By Tom Poland, A Southern Mom never darkened the door of a juke joint, but that didn’t stop her from rendering a harsh judgment. “The only people who go to juke joints are drunks and floozies.” I have a hunch where her belief came from. Early in her marriage,Continue Reading

By Robin All Recently, before the rain storms, we had to play the pitch shots to fly high to stop the ball from running too far past the hole. This method is a little harder to pull off than the standard lower pitch and run. 1-we open the club faceContinue Reading

By Radley West Let’s face it: we’re all a little too attached to our screens. Phones, tablets, laptops, TVs—if it glows, we’re glued to it. And while these magical devices bring us cat videos, endless TikTok dances, and online shopping at 3 am, they’re also robbing us of something critical:Continue Reading

My insurance agent requested our investigative assistance concerning an unusual issue and my findings were stunning. His rural client, who had an excellent driving record, was upset that her automobile rates spiked 22 percent. Upon contacting insurance brokers, he learned third parties mysteriously determined her speeding, braking, and driving exceededContinue Reading