By Sarah Ostergaard Fair. “It’s not fair.” is a common childhood complaint. “His slice is bigger,” or “she had a longer turn.” Does anyone else remember waiting by the swing at recess and counting down to your turn? I do. Counting was fair. No one could argue with the countingContinue Reading

By: Edward M.”JIB” Colie III Electric (EV) cars are nothing new. A little personal history Electric cars were popular back in the 1900s to 1930 when Mr. Ketteriing invented the electric Starter. Before the electric starter, it was Necessary to “hand-crank” and engine Internal combustion engine. The “hand-cranking” could beContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose In our last article, we encouraged you to look back over the last few years and assess your happiness using a scale (1=Miserable and 10=Extremely Happy). We wanted you to pause, dig deep into your soul, and evaluate your life’s journey. That’s important because you have toContinue Reading

By: Edward M. “JIB” Colie III So you’ve decided you would like to get an electric car. First thing you need to decide is how you intend to use it. A: Will you plan to use it for around-town errands and commuting? If it is around town, hauling your childrenContinue Reading

As I had discussed in my previous article, Communication: Friend or Foe?, DISC Is an acronym, which stands for D for Dominant, I for Influencing, S for Steady and C for Compliant communication styles. It further identifies Task-First behavior vs. People-First behavior. Each behavioral style has instinctive behavioral strengths andContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose Happiness is defined as a state of well-being—a joyful, meaningful life of contentment with a purpose. On the other hand, it’s never guaranteed. It can be overwhelming, as some researchers have noted, and being happy takes hard work, sometimes referred to as “endless struggles.” Where are youContinue Reading

By: Edward M “JIB”Colie III Hi there, I’m a new columnist on this beat, but you may recognize my name if you’ve ever read the Lake Murray News.  My “Inland Sea” Column has been a featured column since 1986.  For the past 8 years, I have been driving around theContinue Reading

If you are open-minded and realize that other people have value, that you could learn something or gain a new perspective…then Communication is your Friend. Conversely, if you are a close-minded opinionated blockhead and you don’t think you can learn anything from anybody and nobody else has any value…then CommunicationContinue Reading

Students receive report cards each quarter, as well as interim report cards in the middle of each quarter. A student’s report card provides a numeric score of competency in each subject area and is often considered a predictor of future success. However, a student’s report card does not describe whetherContinue Reading

Thank you for checking out the Valet Tech corner. We will be writing tech articles without all the tech jargon so you can better understand technology and how it can benefit you. Why so many passwords? Why do they need to change? What do they need to be so longContinue Reading