By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MD Harvard University Medical School reported in July 2021 that one-half of all Americans aged 45 and older take low-dose “baby aspirin” (81 MG) to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases. And many do so without their doctor’s recommendation or knowing the dangers.Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose with Surb Guram, MD Surprisingly, aspirin has been consumed by humans for thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians used willow bark that contained salicin (a primary ingredient in aspirin) as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed willow leaf tea to help women with theContinue Reading

Prisma Health will relocate its large public COVID-19 vaccination sites to smaller venues due to the availability of other site options. Community members with existing appointments will be contacted about the site change and appointment time updates. Columbia Colonial Life Arena site closes from July 3, through July 6, re-openingContinue Reading

I Got My Covid Vaccine. I’m Free. Whoa. Danger Still Lurks. You have followed the science and not misinformation being distributed by conspiracy social media and news outlets. The CDC reports 50 percent of adult Americans have received one shot (25 percent are fully vaccinated). Based on our studies, weContinue Reading

Prisma Health Fertility Center of the Carolinas has opened a new location in Columbia to better serve patients across the Midlands region. The office will be located near Prisma Health Baptist Parkridge Hospital and will be available for appointments three days a week, starting April 19. Drs. Chelsea W. Fox,Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose When I observed people wearing masks overseas, I thought, “I’m glad Americans don’t need them.” Then, the COVID-19 virus infected our nation like wildfire. Scientists are learning more about how to effectively prevent and treat the highly-transmittable coronavirus which impacts infected people differently. The worst may beContinue Reading

Lexington Medical Center held a ribbon-cutting for their new community medical center in Northeast Columbia. On Tuesday, March 15 the facility was blessed and the ribbon was cut on the 225,000 square foot building that will provide urgent care, imaging services, mobile MRI, X-ray, ultrasound, CT and women’s imaging, andContinue Reading

Governor Henry McMaster and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) announced today that South Carolina will advance to Phase 1b of the state’s COVID-19 vaccination plan beginning Monday, March 8. Phase 1b includes educators, school support staff, student teachers and district substitutes. Lexington-Richland School District Five is partneringContinue Reading

$208 million has been allocated to help propel coronavirus vaccination efforts across South Carolina. The bill that passed in the House on Tuesday provides funding to help in testing and administering the vaccination along with personal protective gear for health workers. Governor McMaster plans on signing the bill into lawContinue Reading