Deputies presented Servant Leadership awards

By W. Thomas Smith Jr.

Two Richland County Sheriff’s Department (RCSD) deputies received Eastminster Presbyterian Church’s Servant Leadership award during ceremonies which also awarded members of the Columbia Police Department, the Forest Acres Police Department, and the Richland County Emergency Medical Services, Sun., Sept. 12.

Like all of the recipients, RCSD Sergeant Rachael Laughlin and Master Deputy Adelyn “Addy” Perez were praised for their “tireless and selfless service” to the community, receiving the awards from former S.C. Rep. Lloyd Hendricks.

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott, who was also in attendance, said the Eastminster Servant Leadership Award is “quite aptly” named.

“Sgt. Laughlin and Master Deputy Perez are perfect examples of the kind of courage, commitment, and selflessness we are fortunate to have here among our law enforcement officers in South Carolina,” said Lott, following the ceremony. “Both of them represent the best of our department, the state, and the nation as do the other recipients to their respective agencies and beyond.”

The awards which honored local first responders were part of the church’s 20th-anniversary commemoration of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Each recipient received $1,000 from the church with Servant Leadership plaques forthcoming.

Dr. Bradley Smith, the senior pastor of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, presided over the awards luncheon and presentations in the church’s Christian Life Center following Sunday worship services in the sanctuary which both deputies also attended.