Hines, Huddle and Hogan Best for D-5 School Board
There are many good choices for the Lexington/Richland County School Board election. We are fortunate for that. Having researched the many new candidates there are three that bring a true collaborative, inclusiveness and passion to serve our community. Those candidates are Rebecca Hines, Catherine Huddle and Matt Hogan.

The Lexington voters have the choice to vote for Hines and Huddle and the Richland County voters have the choice to vote for Hogan.
Matt Hogan is a proud graduate of Irmo High school and has the type of leadership skills and integrity needed to pull our community together. Matt also has young school age children and will bring a fresh new voice to the table as a parent and a businessman.
Catherine Hines brings a financial background that I feel would greatly benefit our current board. Every tax dollar saved is important .
Rebecca Hines is experienced in pulling communities together and working well with the public. Rebecca also has young children and brings an understanding to the needs of young families today as educational needs are always changing.
It may seem quite unusual for a sitting board member to endorse candidates but I feel this election is critical to the changes we need for our district to grow and come together. For far too long there has been inequity among some of our schools and money spent unwisely. There is a divide among those that control how business is conducted and how the board operates as a unit. The board has been dominated by 4 members that appear to have their own agenda. I lay this problem directly at the feet of the leadership.
Please consider Hines, Huddle in Lexington county and Hogan in Richland County for a real change and for what I truly believe will be for a better board.
Jan Hammond