Irmo High scouts earn awards for service projects at school

Two Irmo High School students made a huge positive difference in the Sensory and Learning Garden used by Special Education students at Irmo High School.

Addie McAlister from Troop 616 of the Mountains to Midlands Council received the Girl Scout Gold Award and Van McAlister from Scouts BSA Troop 95 of the Indian Rivers Council received the Boy Scout Eagle Award. Both Scouts wanted to make meaningful changes and they definitely succeeded. They each demonstrated that they value other people and have qualities of leadership, determination and persistence to finish tasks while remaining flexible.

The major parts of Addie’s project included sanding and painting five exterior doors, transforming areas of the grounds into beautiful and colorful perennial flower beds, rebuilding two picnic tables so they are safe and easy to access, and replacing brick pavers used as a basketball court with a quality poured concrete smooth court. She relocated the pavers usefully within the garden area.

Van’s project added additional landscape improvements within this same garden area and he worked extensively to assure the sensory swing the students use is safe by current state standards. His Troop 95 provided a day of maintenance and care for this Special Garden.

Recognition and special thanks go to Matt Bristow of GB Builders for preparing the basketball court area for the concrete, Keith Bishop for the concrete work, Layne Birdsong for wood construction expertise on both projects, the MJ Mungo Foundation for funding improvements to the Special Ed area, and to numerous friends and family members who helped in various ways. Layne Birdsong and Linda Byars served as mentors for both projects.