Irmo Little League softball teams head to state

By CT McDonald

Irmo Little League (ILL) softball teams will be playing in state tournaments this weekend in Florence and at Friarsgate Park in Irmo.

This is in addition to the ILL baseball teams competing in state tournaments this weekend, as reported last week.

The 8, 9, and 10-year-old softball teams and the 10, 11, and 12-year-olds will both play at the Florence Little League fields at 1515 Freedom Boulevard at Florence starting Friday.

Both tournaments will be in the double-elimination format, with the 8, 9, and 10-year-olds playing on Field 9, and the 10, 11, and 12-year-olds playing on Field 6. The younger group will hold its championship game on Monday, with another one Tuesday, if necessary, and the older group will complete its event with a championship game(s) on Sunday.

In both tournaments, the Irmo team will be playing as the runner-up from District 3 after the Trenholm Little League (TLL) team recently took the district title in each age group.

Including the host team, Florence Little League, five teams will be competing in the younger group’s tournament, with some traveling from Greenville and Darlington. Four teams will play in the older group’s tournament with the Blue Ridge Little League team traveling to compete with Irmo, Trenholm and the hosting Florence team.

Around the same time, the Seniors Little League Softball State Tournament will crank up Saturday at Friarsgate Park with the Barrier Island Little League team visiting Irmo for the two-team, one-day event. This one is also in the double-elimination format, and if an additional game is needed to break a tie, that game will happen on Sunday.

With the baseball and softball tournaments planned for this weekend — some of them at Friarsgate Park — local sports fans will have a full agenda of summer games to choose from just after the Independence Day celebrations.