By John Griggs On June 18th, I had an encounter with an AT&T In-Home Expert (IHX) that has left me with a bitter taste and a cautionary tale to share with my fellow community members. As my neighbors were getting AT&T fiber optic installed, an IHX Southeast States representative stoppedContinue Reading

The FBI Columbia Field Office is warning the public of common holiday scams ahead of the 2021 holiday season. With seasonal shopping in full gear, criminals are set to look for opportunities to take advantage of consumers. The FBI is encouraging shoppers to be vigilant for scams that are designedContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch With Christmas season comes more generosity. People are giving and sharing and spreading holiday joy. This is the perfect time for thieves to take advantage of your generosity and distraction of holiday celebrations. They use world events like the newest vaccine to trick people into buying fake productsContinue Reading