St. Andrews Optimists have resumed meetings, albeit with social distancing activated. These meetings are conducted at the new Town of Irmo Park, where distancing is made easy. The first speaker for the resumption was Rev. Mark Tidsworth, President of Pinnacle Leadership Associates. Tidsworth lives in Chapin and leads an organizationContinue Reading

It’s been said that Alzheimer’s is a woman’s disease. Women are both more likely to develop the disease and more likely be dementia caregivers. Older theories proposed that women are more susceptible to Alzheimer’s because they live longer, but research does not support this theory. Researchers are now wondering isContinue Reading

This week marks three years since Columbia-based non-profit Serve & Connect launched Greg’s Groceries, a program that provides police departments with boxes of non-perishable food to share with individuals and families in need. Greg’s Groceries is named in honor of Greg Alia, a Forest Acres Police Officer killed in theContinue Reading

As colleges prepare to reopen this fall, Richland County Government wants to help students combat food insecurity, a problem the COVID-19 health crisis has exacerbated for many. Richland County Council, along with the County’s Department of Government and Community Services (GCS), recognizes the importance of helping students combat food insecurity,Continue Reading

Providence Home, a transitional ministry for men, is expanding with a new dormitory at 3421 N. Main Street. The 2-story brick building is not only a beautiful addition to an already improving streetscape on North Main Street, but also adds 27 beds to the campus, almost doubling the ministry’s housingContinue Reading

The Columbia Chamber’s Leadership Columbia program, is requesting proposals for the LC Class of 2021 Class Project. Each year the LC Class chooses a project that can create a positive impact on the community. To submit a proposal, an organization must be a nonprofit located within the Chamber’s six-county area:Continue Reading

Central Carolina Community Foundation, the Midlands’ local center for philanthropy, invites the community to join the annual Black Philanthropy Month (BPM) celebrations throughout August 2020. Local celebrations will include weekly stories, action-focused communication on social media, and live interviews at 10 am every Friday in August at BPM isContinue Reading

The Rotary Club of Chapin Sunrise hosted Logan Schumpert who spoke on a number of topics regarding animal health and how that impacts humans. Schumpert is a former graduate of Chapin High School and Clemson University. Currently she is in veterinary school at Lincoln Memorial University and about to beginContinue Reading