The Junior League of Columbia recently awarded The Cooperative Ministry a special Done in a Day gift of $3,055.89 to fund improvements for its clothing bank store setting, where clients shop for free clothing needed for work or school. The gift was used to buy new merchandise signage, shopping carts,Continue Reading

Councilman Bill Danielson, who has spoken to St. Andrews Optimists in the past, appeared September 8 in his new role as a candidate for Mayor of the Town of Irmo. Having announced formally, Danielson spoke to the club about both his motivations for seeking the office and about some ofContinue Reading

The St Andrews Woman’s Club (SAWC) started the 2023-2024 year with a Summer Social and membership gathering at the General Federation Woman’s Club – South Carolina (GFWC-SC) Headquarters located at 1511 Laurel Street in Columbia on August 20. Many of the club’s members were in attendance to welcome four newContinue Reading

Irmo Town Councilman Eric Sickinger spoke to the St. Andrews Optimist Club on August 11. Sickinger described his primary motivation for seeking the office as a desire to project a positive image of the town to the Midlands. He characterized his approach as being a combination of both delegating andContinue Reading

Keep the Midlands Beautiful (KMB) and their event partners will host the third annual Lakeside Litter Sweep litter cleanup event on Lake Murray on September 16 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. KMB is seeking volunteers to clean up islands, shorelines, boat ramps, roads, and natural areas around the lake.Continue Reading

The City of Columbia’s Public Relations, Media and Marketing Department is hosting two fundraising events for Sistercare, which helps victims and families recover from domestic violence August 19 and August 26 from 10 am to 1 pm. Join in at downtown City Hall Parking Lot, 1737 Main Street in ColumbiaContinue Reading

On July 21, the Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo hosted speakers Hugh Caldwell and Barbara Padgett, representing the South Carolina Envirothon. The event they detailed is hosted annually by the SC Department of Natural Resources. Envirothon began nationally in 1979 to raise awareness among high school students who showed anContinue Reading

“If you serve, you deserve” is the motto of Columbia’s Operation Veterans Support, whose founder, Dr. Glen Brown, spoke to St. Andrews Optimists on July 14. Providing clothing, food, job search support, and housing assistance, the organization places volunteers in the lives of military veterans during their times of need.  Continue Reading