Arrested Development — the two-time Grammy-winning hip-hop and funk group — will perform a free virtual concert at Famously Hot New Year, South Carolina’s virtual party of the year December 31. Tune in and learn more at Famously Hot New Year is bringing together friends, neighbors and guests fromContinue Reading

Whoever said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks hadn’t reckoned with the Shepherd’s Center of St. Andrews. The Columbia-area all-volunteer, interfaith learning program for senior adults completely disproves that adage. When the Covid virus struck in the spring, most Midlands centers for senior continuing education went dark,Continue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET), in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SC DHEC), is providing free COVID-19 tests for passengers of the bus system. SC DHEC has set up a testing kiosk at COMET Central, the transit hub located on theContinue Reading

Christmas will be somewhat different in this year of 2020.For the deadly coronavirus from China did make an illegal entry. We knew not what it was or more importantly what we could dofor it has changed the world and that includes me and you. We will still be cheerful thisContinue Reading

On Arbor Day, December 5, the Town of Irmo planted four holly trees (Eagleston) on the corner of Woodrow Street and Palmetto Woods Pkwy. The trees will grow to be 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide. “The planting is one of the requirements to be a Tree City USAContinue Reading

Lexington County 4-H is offering virtual events along with their regular 4-H club meetings. They will be having a Christmas cookie party December 16 at 6 pm. You do not have to be a current 4-H member to participate, but all youth in attendance must be supervised when using kitchenContinue Reading

Homestead Hospice & Palliative Care is holding a set of drop-off events to benefit community organizations December 16. Stock a Pantry Local homeless shelters and food pantries are in need of canned and non-perishable foods. Homestead will be collecting items for Harvest Hope FoodBank- Midlands to assist individuals and familiesContinue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) announces the appointment, by Richland County, of Christopher Lawson to its Board of Directors. Lawson is a First Lieutenant in the United States Army where he serves as a transportation officer. He also brings experience as an outbound logistics supervisor for RossContinue Reading

Buses from the Salvation Army will be on hand at Lexington Medical Center in Irmo to support of the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program and honoring the memory of Brandon Bird Salvation Army. Buses will be in the front parking lot at the Lexington Medical Center receiving toys from noonContinue Reading