On August 21, The School District Five Board of Trustees honored the Irmo Little League Seniors All-Star Team for a great season and representing the Southeast Region at the national tournament. The School District Five Board of Trustees also honored the District’s Finance department for earning 2 awards from theContinue Reading

The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) is offering a new resource for South Carolina teachers to instruct students on the basics of state Individual Income Tax. The new Teacher’s Guide to SC Individual Income Tax, written by SCDOR experts, is a way to introduce students to state Income TaxesContinue Reading

Dr. Ronald L. Rhames has announced his plans to retire as president of one of the largest technical colleges in South Carolina. Rhames has been a part of the MTC family for 35 years: two years as a student and 33 as an employee, which includes eight years as theContinue Reading

Lexington Richland District Five schools held their annual school year kick-off on Friday, August 11 at Irmo High School. All the district schools were represented along with their teachers and staff and awards were presented for 2023-24 Employee of the Year, Elizabeth Balog of Harbison West Elementary; District Teacher ofContinue Reading

By Sarah Ostergaard Why write about Athletics in a column about Education? Last month’s column was intended to start a conversation about the meaning of “an education.” An education should be well-rounded, to include extracurricular pursuits including but not limited to athletics. And YOU can be part of our studentContinue Reading

The Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter at Irmo High School traveled to Denver, Colorado, from July 2, 2023, through July 7, 2023, to compete at the National Leadership Conference. Irmo High School student Chai’Ane Woolley represented School District Five at the conference. Woolley competed in theContinue Reading

School District Five wrapped up its Summer Reading Camp with a special celebration. It included presentations of reading and writing from students and student reflections during the five-week camp. Each child also received a new book bag and books.Continue Reading

By Mike DuBose Attending universities or technical schools is expensive and skyrockets when students pursue advanced degrees or out-of-state-institutions. Colleges provide detailed, on-line-cost-calculators for estimated expenses. Yearly pricing varies but examples (includes tuition, campus housing, meals, and fees) are Clemson University ($35,000), University of South Carolina ($39,000), Winthrop ($30,000), andContinue Reading

The SkillsUSA chapter at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) traveled to Atlanta, Georgia June 19 – 24 to compete in the National Championships. 36 students made the trip with 34 participating across 20 different competitions. Two of the students, Quinn Anhar and Ryan Hill, were representatives forContinue Reading