Chapin High School student, Davis Ricks, has been named a semifinalist for the 2021 class of the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, moving to the next round of the selection process to become a Coca-Cola Scholar and receive a $20,000 college scholarship. Ricks is one of 22 students selected from South CarolinaContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Lexington-Richland School District 5 hopes to have middle and high school students back in their classrooms four days a week by early January. But students will learn entirely online January 4 through January 6 to help ease reopening throughout the district, according to Superintendent Christina Melton’s latest proposal, whichContinue Reading

By investing in a training and recruiting program, Richland County aims to create a talent pipeline to increase the number and diversity of software engineers and meet local demand in the area’s growing technology industry. Create Opportunity Columbia – a public–private partnership between Richland County, the City of Columbia, MidlandsContinue Reading

A Lexington-Richland School District Five school leader has been named among the top principals in the state by the South Carolina Administrators Association (SCASA).  Dr. Gerald Gary, principal of Dutch Fork High School, was named the 2021 South Carolina Secondary Level Principal of the Year, during a surprise announcement at hisContinue Reading

Hundreds of people attended Lexington-Richland School District Five’s first of two Virtual Magnet fairs last month giving families the opportunity to explore offerings at several of its schools. The virtual event featured a wide variety of programs, including the newest magnets that are being implemented through a $13.7 million federalContinue Reading

By Al Dozier It took three school closings, numerous classroom staff absences, widespread protests and two special-called board meetings before Lexington-Richland District 5 finally decided on a scaled-down reentry plan to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Students in grades 7-12 were officially scheduled to temporarily return to a two-day perContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five’s graduation rate remains one of the highest in the state, according to a new report from the South Carolina Department of Education. The new data shows the graduation rate for School District Five was 90.7 percent, that number is up from 88.4 percent in 2019. SchoolContinue Reading

District Five has named the winners for its 2019-2020 volunteer awards. Eighteen awards were given out in five categories and plaques were presented to the winners at the schools because of COVID-19 restrictions. Volunteer award winners included: Dr. Jane Lawther, River Springs Elementary (Elementary School Mentor of the Year); BarbaraContinue Reading

The Governor’s School for Science & Mathematics (GSSM) is hosting Preview Days, Shadow Days, Ambassador Q+A sessions, and Find Your Element sessions this fall for prospective high school sophomores and their families. To attend any or all of these events, students should register online at Day is a virtualContinue Reading

The members of the Class of 2021 who join the thousands of alumni wearing The Citadel ring include: Irmo Zachary Adkins, Samuel De Los Santos, Jason Flowers, Karl Knizek, Brian Mills, Chase Muehl, Jonathan Owens, William Reid, Luke Solomon, Wesley Taylor, Juan Valencia Columbia Tyler Estridge, Charles Gray, Nadia SandlerContinue Reading