I served on D5 School Board with both Ken Loveless and Cathy Huddle and they have always put students first while listening to our teachers and supporting their needs. They bring true business sense that is needed as our schools need more and more resources. Education needs continue to increaseContinue Reading

Popular law enforcement leader is up for re-election By W. Thomas Smith Jr. This is an easy story to write – easy in one way, challenging in another (which I’ll get to momentarily) – because I am again making the case to re-elect Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott to theContinue Reading

To whom it may concern, I am supporting Mike Ward in his candidacy for the Lexington-Richland 5 School Board. I have worked with Mike quite a bit over the last few years on the Okra Strut Commission and I think he would be a natural as a school board member. HeContinue Reading

Ken Loveless is a critical candidate for the school board, and his election is as important as voting for president on November 5. School board members directly shape the future by guiding the education of our youth, and Ken is uniquely qualified to take on this responsibility. His deep, hands-onContinue Reading

Red and blue. Two of my favorite colors — until they become representative of the two predominant parties in the good ole USA. Too quickly people align themselves with either a “blue” or “red” ideology and assume everyone ascribes to one or the other political values completely and oppose theContinue Reading

There is nothing Scott Herring is more passionate about than ensuring that our schools are safe havens for learning. He is an educator, his wife is an educator and his daughter attends Harbison West. His son graduated from Irmo High. Some might argue that he is a university professor, whatContinue Reading

In the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Helene, something remarkable happened: the tone and content of community-based social media pages and sites quickly shifted from often tedious, argumentative, and petty content and commentary to an explosion of people desperate to provide charitable service. Keyboard warriors showed a willingness and readiness toContinue Reading

Jason Baynham was raised in a loving Christian home and was taught the importance of family values, friendships, stewardship, honesty, helping others, hard work, problem solving, community and citizenship. From an early age Jason loved working in the yard or garden, whether at our house or helping his Grandparents. AsContinue Reading