After serving on the District Five Board of Trustees for 8 years, I have continued to follow our district – especially as my grandchildren attended our schools.  A lot of things have changed. Our taxes have increased, politics have entered some classrooms, our Irmo area school buildings have not keptContinue Reading

In South Carolina, residents who are 85 and older are provided a one percent sales tax reduction on many items bought for personal use. This included many food items. The customer must have identification, such as a driver’s license, for proof of age. This information about the sales tax reductionContinue Reading

Letter to Editor  Six months ago I noticed water flowing from the ground at the intersection of Superior and S Holly streets.   As a good citizen, I took time out to contact the Water department. After calling the City of Columbus water department and enduring never-ending automated messages to logContinue Reading

Dear Editor, We read with interest the stories in your recent edition about the campaign announcements of the candidates for the District Five School Board of Trustees. At least two of the candidates pledged to be ’transparent’. A few years ago the District Five Board was sued by Paul OsmundsonContinue Reading

Open Letter Against advisors’ advice, Donald Trump called Vladimir Putin in 2018 and congratulated him on winning the sham election for president of Russia. Trump was serving as president of the United States. In 2019, Trump said of Kim Jong Un, “We fell in love.” They had exchanged letters ofContinue Reading

Open Letter Dear Editor, I truly appreciate your publishing my open letter to Joe Wilson in your July 25 edition. Giving space to those who disagreed with me in the following week’s paper — even if they offered no compelling arguments to rebut what I said – clearly demonstrates your commitmentContinue Reading

Open Letter Dear Editor I am disappointed in the Irmo News for allowing Miriam Johnson to have a letter published in your paper full of Democrat talking points. There is much division in our country right now and this letter is completely unhelpful. She could not prove a word ofContinue Reading

Open Letters are opinions submitted to us by the community. All are welcome, the opinions expressed are those of the author and not this publication. Please keep it respectful, focused mostly on local topics or content and please limit yourself to no more than 650 words. Letters are edited forContinue Reading

By Congressman Joe Wilson July 12, 2024 During the recent Presidential debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden embarrassed himself and further revealed what most Americans already knew – that he is not fit to lead. Sadly, it’s not just one night, but the accumulation of failing Biden policies over theContinue Reading

Open Letter Regardless of what some on Lexington County Council are attempting to distract constituents during reelection campaigns. Growth is not the issue, and some on the council have even admitted it. It’s residential growth they say, not commercial growth. Yes, we all want those large companies and the employers,Continue Reading