It has been brought to the Irmo Police Departments’ attention that a fake social media post has been circulating regarding the homicide at the Kroger on February 14, 2023.
The post, reportedly made from Chief Bobby Dale’s personal social media account is absolutely false. The Police Chief would never issue an official statement from his personal account. Any statement made by the Chief on behalf of this agency would be issued through a press release or made to a reputable news source.
“As a public figure, understandably, you are subject to this type of attention.” stated Chief Bobby Dale. “What isn’t understandable is that someone would use the unimaginable tragedy of a family to get shares and social media clout.”
The Irmo Police Department will be working with Facebook to have this fake account identified and the erroneous post removed.
Below is the fake facebook post in it’s entirety. If you have seen this post it is entirely false. Irmo Police Chief Bobby Dale did not make this post to facebook.