Concern over annexation

I am writing to express my concern about the request for annexation and zoning for the 13.19-acre tract located at 153 Rocky Creek Trail, on which the owners have stated they intend to operate an events venue. While I support growth of the Town of Irmo, I am strongly opposed to an events venue being located on the site under consideration.

Firstly, according to the Guide to Land Use Planning for South Carolina, the FA zoning district is intended for agricultural and farming purposes, and the proposed event venue would be a commercial use that does not align with the intended purpose of this zoning district. The development of a large commercial events venue in this area would lead to increased traffic, noise, and other disruptions that would negatively impact the surrounding residential neighborhoods.

Additionally, increased traffic along Lake Murray Boulevard after events have concluded could be especially challenging. With no traffic light at the intersection of Rocky Creek Trail and Lake Murray Boulevard, impaired drivers wanting to relieve the backlog of traffic behind them on Rocky Creek Trail may take unnecessary risks causing injury not only to themselves but also to other motorists traveling along Lake Murray Boulevard.

Furthermore, the proposed commercial venue would require significant infrastructure and site improvements, such as parking lots and road access that would negatively impact the natural and rural character of any FA zoning district.

Additionally, I believe the development of a commercial events venue in this area would set a precedent for further commercial development in the FA zoning district that would have negative long-term consequences for the community. What happens the next time someone wants to build and operate a commercial space in an FA zone? Approving the current request opens the door for future requests and for potential litigation for the town from owners who will expect to be treated the same as the owners of 153 Rocky Creek Trail.

Given these concerns, I urge you to consider the potential negative impacts of the current request for annexation and rezoning to FA on the surrounding community and the town and to oppose any plan for development of a commercial events venue in the FA zoning district.


Gerry L. Brossard