Considerations When Beginning A Fitness Program

By Eileen Renders

Congratulations to all who are ready to embark on a lifestyle that promises to help you on your journey toward becoming the best you can be. To become and remain fit, and healthy, and to avoid disease, we first need to put our priorities in the order where they should be, such as;

     1. Have you visited your Family physician and obtained his/her approval?
     2. Have you designed your program by setting aside 3 days of the week, including the              best time of day, and are willing to keep that commitment?
     3. Will your new fitness program include an exercise you like or prefer?
     4. Remember that 10 minutes of warm-up is required, such as walking, jogging, or                   biking, so as not to pull or strain a muscle.
Note: It is strongly recommended to obtain a doctor’s approval before starting a Fitness program.

The Next Consideration – –

It is important to consider any or all physical issues that often become annoying and are wise to address before your workout. This type of thinking ensures a more comfortable workout, and therefore more reason to stick with it.

Common issues such as allergies, arthritis, or bursitis can be addressed effectively without prescriptions through natural remedies. *As long as you have not had recent surgery, or your issue has progressed to the point that there is uncomfortable pain involved.

Allergies and inflammation can often be alleviated by taking a daily anti-inflammatory such as Turmeric/Curcumin, or Quercetin/Bromelain which can be found at your local Health Food Store, and sometimes at your local Walmart.

Other common health issues relative to health and fitness will be addressed in FHIT as we move forward in the coming days.

Note: It is highly recommended that any Herbs, Vitamins, or Supplements be purchased through a Manufacturer within the U.S. and in a capsule, rather than a pill. This is because a capsule is immediately absorbed into the digestive system, whereas a pill requires much water, and can take a day or more to become fully absorbed.

It is strongly recommended before taking any Supplements obtain your Doctor’s approval. Any information found in a Research article is not meant to be a substitute for your doctor’s recommendations.

Eileen Renders is a retired Nutrition Counselor, Health Research writer, Author, and Publisher with more than a Dozen published titles on She founded the First “Wellness” Center in Atlantic County in 1995 and was a provider for Cigna and United Healthcare.