CrossRoads Intermediate School Embraces AVID Program to Boost Student Success

CrossRoads Intermediate School (CRIS) is proud to announce its new designation as an AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) school, marking a major step toward fostering academic achievement for all students. AVID is a renowned college readiness program that supports students from grades 4 to 12 by equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in college, careers, and life.

In June 2024, a team of 16 teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators from CRIS attended the AVID Summer Institute, receiving extensive professional development and resources to bring the AVID program to the school. Armed with this new knowledge, the staff is ready to implement strategies that will help students reach their academic goals.

At CRIS, students now participate in weekly AVID advisory lessons focusing on essential skills such as organization, teamwork, and study techniques. These lessons teach students how to manage their time, collaborate with peers, and develop strategies for becoming successful learners.

Central to AVID’s approach is the use of WICOR strategies—Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. Teachers at CRIS have been trained to incorporate at least one WICOR strategy into each lesson, ensuring that students engage deeply with the material and develop critical thinking skills.

For the 2024-2025 school year, CRIS has prioritized Organization as a key focus area. One initiative supporting this goal is the school-wide binder system, which helps students keep their materials in order. Every Monday, students participate in binder checks during homeroom, with teacher support to help them clean and organize their binders. Additionally, students use weekly planners to prepare for the upcoming week, further enhancing their organizational skills.

Another vital aspect of Organization is focused note-taking. CRIS teachers guide students through the five phases of this technique: taking notes, processing them, connecting ideas, summarizing, and applying what they have learned. Students will also be introduced to a variety of note-taking formats, including Cornell notes and one-pagers, to help them better understand and retain information.

With the AVID program, CRIS is committed to building a culture of college readiness, empowering students to take charge of their education and set themselves up for future success. The entire staff is dedicated to supporting all learners on this exciting new journey.