District Five student named Carolina Master Scholar

One student from Lexington-Richland School District Five was one of 11 middle and high school students this year to be named a Carolina Master Scholar

Ava Grant from Spring Hill High School was part of the 18th graduating class earning the designation Carolina Master Scholar for her successful completion of at least three Adventure Series courses. The Carolina Master Scholar Adventure Series is a summer academic program for academically talented rising 6th-12th graders. Adventure Series was chosen “best program” by the University Continuing Education Association and “best program” by SC Association for Higher Continuing Education.

“Carolina Master Scholars was a great opportunity for me because it helped me discover topics I am interested in and might want to explore as a major,” Grant said. “It showed me how learning about things that you care about isn’t a chore but an experience that you can look forward to!”

These outstanding young students completed courses ranging from Aerospace, Creative Writing, Computer Gaming, Culinary Arts, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Extraordinary Chemistry for Extraordinary Lives, Filmmaking, Forensic Science, Law and Crime, Medicine -Ultrasound, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy, 3D Printing, and Vex Robotics.

“We are proud of the hard work displayed by Ava Grant through her completion of the Carolina Master Scholars Program,” said Virginia Tate, coordinator of Gifted Programs, Academic Assistance, and Professional Development. “The Carolina Master Scholars Adventure Series is a selective summer program for academically gifted students. Through the program, students take part in research and experiential learning. The opportunity affords selected students the opportunity to explore future careers and learn from college professors and experts in the field. Through her dedication to continuous learning, Ava displays an outstanding commitment to her academic development. Her success is a reflection of her personal intelligence, the outstanding commitment offered by her teachers, and the example of excellence set by School District Five.”

As a result of Ava’s accomplishment, she was given a special certificate from the University of South Carolina.

The program will offer a wide variety of weeklong academic courses again in the summer of 2022 and online registration will open in January. View the website for a list of courses and to register.