Dorothy Stewart, affectionately known as “Wonder Woman” in Irmo, is gearing up for an extraordinary celebration of her 91st birthday on June 1st by skydiving. Inspired by former President George Bush, who skydived at 90, Dorothy plans to surpass that milestone. She also dedicates this daring jump to President Joe Biden, honoring his efforts as a senior citizen in office and his bid for another term in the White House.
This will mark Dorothy’s second jump with Skydive Carolina, located at 1903 King Air Drive, Chester. Her fearless spirit is nothing new; she has a rich history of breaking barriers and achieving significant milestones. In the 1970s and 80s, she became the first African American female Director of public housing in both Peoria, Illinois, and Evansville, Indiana. Her commitment to social causes also led to the establishment of the first African American newspaper in Evansville, Illinois, reflecting her enduring legacy of courage and determination in serving her community.