Irmo Celebrates Arbor Day with Tree Planting in Rawls Creek Park

The Town of Irmo celebrated Arbor Day on December 6 by planting two Ginkgo trees in the newly established Rawls Creek Park. Mayor Bill Danielson joined town staff and volunteers to help plant one of the trees, highlighting the town’s dedication to environmental stewardship.

“Irmo is recognized as a Tree City,” said Mayor Danielson. “This is part of keeping up with that tradition.”

As a designated Tree City USA, Irmo takes pride in its commitment to tree conservation and urban forestry. The town currently maintains 6,000 trees and has planted 2,000 additional trees as part of its ongoing beautification efforts.

The annual Arbor Day event serves as a reminder of the town’s pledge to preserve and expand its green spaces, making Irmo a healthier, more vibrant community for all.