Major Jerry M. Free of Irmo, 86, was honored with the prestigious Order of the Palmetto on Friday, Oct. 25 at the Brookland Baptist Banquet and Conference Center. SC Representative Nathan Ballentine made the presentation in front of Free’s family, friends and neighbors including the Mayor of Irmo, Bill Danielson. The Order of the Palmetto is the highest civilian award in South Carolina and is presented in recognition of a lifetime of extraordinary achievement, service and contributions on a national or statewide scale. “I am tremendously humbled and honored,” said Free.

Major Jerry M. Free was a helicopter pilot from the Vietnam War era. Jerry spent 21 years in the Army and was deployed in two combat tours to Vietnam. The Major spent most his tour locating enemy positions while skimming the treetops in an OH-6 light helicopter known as a ‘Loach’. On his second tour in 1969, his helicopter was shot out of the sky killing his observer and knocking Jerry unconscious. After regaining consciousness he ran from the area and was shot by Viet Cong. Jerry was lacerated, suffered severe burns and had a round in his forearm.
After several surgeries and weeks of recuperation which would have made most men want to leave the service, Jerry petitioned to remain on active duty. He served two years in Korea and retired in 1978. Major Free showed his bravery through his actions as a warrior serving his country honorably, selflessly and sacrificially.
Major Free was honored with 14 medals including the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross and the Distinguished Flying Cross. These are great honors to be bestowed upon a pilot.
Jerry is an active member and former commander of the Military Order of Purple Heart and is a member of NABVETS(National Association of Black Veterans) where he was recently honored.
As an active member at Brookland Baptist Church, he works at packing and distributing food for the needy. Tuesdays find him helping out at the Senior Center and on Wednesdays, he assists a 99-year-old shut-in along with her elderly in the community.
Jerry has volunteered at Harvest Hope Food Bank and Transitions Homeless Shelter.
Major Free works out three days a week at the Seven Oaks Park Gym. At 86 years of age Jerry does more than men half his age and plans to continue serving his fellow man and community.