By Tom No more glory years, a beauty nonetheless. A junkyard hiding in woods surprised me. Old cars and pick-ups sat at odd angles, a senior citizen social of sorts. The years had extracted their toll. A sedan’s hood was up as if she had died in the midstContinue Reading

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has begun clearing and grubbing activities as part of Phase 3B of the Carolina Crossroads Project, impacting areas in Richland and Lexington counties. This phase involves clearing approximately 170 acres of trees and underbrush around key interchanges, including I-20/I-26, St. Andrews Road/I-26, andContinue Reading

The Shepherd’s Center of St. Andrews has successfully completed its first international full-session Zoom course, Poland Past and Present, taught by Dr. Lynn Zimmerman, a Purdue University Professor Emerita and Distinguished Fulbright Scholar. Dr. Zimmerman instructed members from Lublin, Poland, where she is spending a year at Marie Curie-Skłodowska University.Continue Reading

By Curtis Loftis South Carolina State Treasurer It goes fast, doesn’t it? Just when you’re comfortable with the back-to-school routine, here come the holidays. Take a deep breath and enjoy the season – 2024 version. But once the decorations are packed up and the wrapping paper is in the trash,Continue Reading

The Columbia City Council approved changes to the city’s parking rate ordinance during its December 4 meeting, following months of discussions with citizens, hospitality districts, and other stakeholders. The updated rates aim to reinvest revenue into Columbia’s parking system, focusing on infrastructure improvements, maintenance, and enhanced customer experience. City leadersContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. MYRTLE BEACH, SC – For only the second time, the “Mr. South Carolina Football” Award was given to a Northeast athlete. Richland Northeast quarterback Will Wilson received the top honor Saturday at Doug Shaw Memorial Stadium. It was presented during halftime of the Touchstone Energy CooperativesContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. A week after winning a third straight state title, Dutch Fork running back Maurice Anderson closed out his high school career with an All-Star victory. He was the only Silver Fox player selected to the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives Bowl at Doug Shaw Memorial Stadium. Anderson contributedContinue Reading

River Springs Elementary School’s 2nd-grade students enjoyed a special Holiday Reading Celebration on Friday, December 20, in the school auditorium. Dressed in cozy pajamas, the children listened intently as guest speakers from the community read holiday-themed stories. One of the highlights was Columbia Fire Department firefighter William Lynch, who broughtContinue Reading

Students from multiple programs at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies in School District Five collaborated to design, build, and light a new display for the Irmo-Chapin Recreation Commission’s annual Saluda Shoals Holiday Lights on the River. This year, they completed a three-dimensional carousel scene featuring Santa’s elves riding reindeerContinue Reading