Did you know? The Palmetto State is ranked 4th in the United States for the number of women-owned businesses, with 170,000 calling South Carolina their home. This week, the South Carolina Senate had ‘Budget Week’, reviewing, debating, and amending the budget the House sent them a few weeks ago. WhenContinue Reading

The Irmo Sertoma Club meets every first and third Monday of the month at the British Bulldog Pub located at 1220 Bower Pkwy in the Columbiana Station shopping center.  The organization focuses on hearing and communicative disorders in young people among other community assistance. This civic organization was founded inContinue Reading

Irmo High School tennis coach Mark DiMaggio has been named the 2021 South Carolina Region 4A Coach of the Year. “It’s nice to be recognized by my peers not only for the tennis success of our players but for the players’ attitude, camaraderie and sportsmanship,” DiMaggio said of the awardContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Students in Lexington-Richland District 5 will no longer be required to wear face masks in school. In response to increasing pressure from parents throughout the district, the board voted to drop the mask requirement beginning May 10. Students will still have the option to wear masks ifContinue Reading

Davida Price, Coordinator of Youth and Family Services (4K), has been awarded the Rhonda Corley Friend of Children award by the South Carolina Early Childhood Association (SCECA). “To be recognized out of the many people that are so deserving of this award really means a lot to me,” Price said.Continue Reading

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has announced it is moving forward with awarding a contract to begin the first phase of the $1.7 billion Carolina Crossroads project. The Carolina Crossroads project in its entirety is planned to provide a safer and modern interchange design for the infamous MalfunctionContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five students have won awards in the annual SC Economics Challenge. The SC Economics Challenge is a state-wide competition open to high school students in grades 9-12. There are two divisions, Adam Smith for AP/IB students, and David Ricardo for on-level Economics students. School District Five studentsContinue Reading

During his 1996 State of the Union address to Congress, President Bill Clinton stated, “The era of big government is over.” More than two decades later, President Joe Biden’s address to Congress articulated the exact opposite sentiment. His address painted a picture of a thriving America under higher taxes andContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose I grew up on a rural, dirt road in Darlington, SC during the 1950’s. We left our doors unlocked at night—we felt safe. As children, we played with friends unsupervised away from our homes; life was simple and happy. We only had a few toys and, notContinue Reading

An 18-year-old from Cayce and two minors are accused of kidnapping and shooting a Columbia girl to death last month in a remote part of Lexington County. Treveon Nelson and the two minors are charged with murder, kidnapping, criminal conspiracy and possession of a weapon during a violent crime, accordingContinue Reading