By Thomas Grant Jr. There will be a new but familiar face as Lexington County Blowfish head coach next summer. The club announced on Sept. 25 the promotion of Michael Menhart to the position. He spent the past season as an assistant coach.  “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunityContinue Reading

McGregor Presbyterian Church will be offering a Help For Caregivers workshop October 10 at 6 pm. The workshop will feature presentations from the following organizations to explain their services for caregivers and answer questions: S.C. Department on Aging, Central Midlands Area Agency on Aging Family Caregiver Support Program, General CaregiverContinue Reading

The Still Standing Women’s Health Empowerment Luncheon will be held on Thursday, October 12, from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Lexington Municipal Conference Center, 111 Maiden Lane, Lexington. This year’s event will feature Richland County Coroner Naida Rutherford as the keynote speaker, focusing on the critical issue of domesticContinue Reading