Open Letter: I DID speak out

First they came for the immigrants

And I did not speak out

Because I was not an immigrant

— No, wait. I DID speak out

Because I believe that everyone in this country has a right to due process

Then they came for the trans people

And I need you to know that I DID speak out

Not because I am transgendered but because I believe people should not be targeted simply for being who they are

They came for the FBI investigators and the DOJ prosecutors

And I DID speak out

Not because I am an investigator or a prosecutor

But because I believe investigators and prosecutors should not be fired for doing their jobs

They came for the DEI hires

And I DID speak out

Not because I am a DEI hire but because I believe that workers are no less qualified just because their skin is brown or black, or they have a uterus, or they have a disability unrelated to the job requirements

Then they came for the other civil servants and the nonpartisan career officials

And I DID speak out

Not because I am a civil servant or a career official but because I believe federal employees should not be terminated without cause

Then they came for the Episcopal bishop

And the public health doctor

And the 4-star general

And I DID speak out

Not because I am a bishop, or a doctor, or a general, but because I believe that truth tellers need to be heard

He promised “revenge and retribution”

He promised to come for the “radical left”

And the “deep state”

And those who are “woke”

And the members of the Jan 6 Select Committee

And the FBI agents

And the lawyers

And the judges

And the journalists

And the historians

And the environmentalists

And the scientists

And anyone else who has the courage to speak out

I am not one of his targets – yet

But I believe that democracy is worth speaking out for

I refuse to be complicit in its destruction

I am NOT afraid

I am NOT alone

And WE will NOT be silent.

This is in the form of a poem — not sure you take those. 

It was inspired by the well-known poem by Martin Niemoller

Miriam Johnson, PhD, MSW
