Republicans Countering Biden Failures

By Congressman Joe Wilson

July 12, 2024

During the recent Presidential debate against Donald Trump, Joe Biden embarrassed himself and further revealed what most Americans already knew – that he is not fit to lead.

Sadly, it’s not just one night, but the accumulation of failing Biden policies over the last three years which are to blame for the problems our country is experiencing. However, the poor decisions of Democrats in Congress are also responsible.

Together, Biden and Democrats falsely contrive a bright picture of how the country and families are surviving. The reality is much darker. 

Biden and Democrats are responsible for soaring prices of everyday goods and services, an open border crisis with over 16 million illegal aliens living in America that has exposed every family everywhere to imminent attacks from terrorists and drug smugglers, a vulnerable national security, and many more burdens. 

However, perhaps most obvious are the hardship realities each of us face every day… in our pocketbooks.

Under Biden, Americans have endured the highest inflation in 40 years, costing the average family nearly $13,000 more a year to buy the basics, all while Americans have seen a nearly four percent decrease in average weekly earnings.

When Biden took office, inflation was 1.4 percent. Since then, inflation has risen by more than 20 percent. 

Families know the distress of Bidenflation all too well, including most recently during the Fourth of July celebrations.

Since Biden, prices for the following holiday staples saw prices skyrocket:

·         Chicken up 24 percent

·         Ground beef up 23 percent

·         Sodas up 22 percent

·         Hot dogs up 16 percent

·         Ice cream also up 16 percent… just to name a few.

House Republicans are committed to stopping Biden’s reckless spending and restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington.

In addition to tackling inflation and lowering the cost of living, House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, are fighting to strengthen national security, make America energy independent, secure the Southern border, preserve our constitutional freedoms, restore the voice of the people, and more. A few highlights of what Republicans have accomplished so far, include passage of the:

·         Fiscal Responsibility Act, the largest deficit reduction package in American history.

·         Secure The Border Act to address the chaos at the borders by increasing the number of Border Patrol agents, providing effective border enforcement technology, resuming construction of the border wall, and ending the administration’s catch and release policy.

·         Lower Energy Costs Act to unleash American energy, lower prices, and strengthen our national security.

·         Parents Bill of Rights to ensure a parent’s right to make decisions about their child’s education.

·         Defending the right to life with the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and;

·         The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, which represents the commitment to our service members, their families, and our national security. Included in it are funding authorizations for the Savannah River Site and defense research projects at South Carolina universities. As part of this Act, I am also grateful to have authored an amendment that would prevent the Department of Defense from buying solar panels manufactured by our adversaries, such as China.

House Republicans know that the only way to address the problem facing the American people is to return to President Donald Trump’s successful America First agenda which created the strongest economy in generations, the most secure border in modern history, the lowest gas prices in years, and peace through strength.

Much remains to be done and I will continue to work hard every day to keep Americans safe, promote good-paying jobs, and help make our lives and communities stronger.

I am grateful to represent South Carolina’s Second District.

Joe Wilson is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives serving South Carolina’s 2nd District.