Skate Park Update

Friarsgate Skatepark Committee and ULSA are working to provide a skateboarding program free to children that attend the after-school program. We are currently seeking donations of new and used skateboard equipment, helmets, and $1,200 to build skate features in the parking lot until the skatepark is completed. The Friarsgate Skatepark site is only a few blocks from the after-school program. Parents and students are eager to start skateboarding. Marie Ryan has been working with Dr. Alonzo Johnson to provide every student with a skateboard and helmet.

This is a healthy recreational activity for youth. Providing children with accessible outdoor recreation will curb juvenile crime and improve their quality of life. After-school programs are used to prevent adverse outcomes, decrease risks, or improve functioning with at-risk youth in several areas, including academic achievement, crime and behavioral problems, socio-emotional functioning, and school engagement and attendance.

With programs like ULSA, a safe haven with supervision, students feel security and excitement about learning new skills.

ULSA promotes deeper learning that equips students with skills that go beyond math and literacy in order to help them compete in a global economy. This environment allows deeper learning competencies to develop: leadership, critical thinking, problem-solving, ability to work collaboratively, and effective communication.

As suggested, after-school programs, like ULSA, are the catalyst in enhancing the school curriculum. To maximize effectiveness, community stakeholders must be involved for ideal outcomes.

Families must have access to these programs. Many working parents—especially lower-income households in our community —have long felt that child care is inaccessible and too expensive. The pandemic has only exacerbated this massive financial hit on our economy and the challenges for working parents in Irmo.

Analyzing post-pandemic economic repair in our community, I’ve realized that a priority must be the child care sector. Making meaningful investments in quality child care provides short- and long-term benefits that will improve the town’s economy by enabling working families to work sufficient hours.

The Friarsgate Skatepark Committee is invested in the equitable outcomes of our children. The Committee is dedicated to improving the lives of children by ensuring every child has the opportunity to succeed. Universal Leadership Stem Academy aims to provide quality academic support for all children in our community and offer skateboarding!

If you want to donate or want to get involved please email [email protected] or
message us on Instagram @skateparkirmo.