Career exploration is a key component in helping students discover different paths to a successful future.
On February 5 students at Dutch Fork Middle School (DFMS) went out into the community to participate in the annual DFMS Job Shadowing Day. Through this opportunity, students were able to experience a realistic view of a professional work environment.
More than 190 students participated and dozens of career fields were represented. From electricians, medical professionals, restaurateurs, law enforcement officers, morticians, and even School District Five Elementary Schools, shadow hosts guided students through their own career journey and what their job entails. Students were required to interview their host and complete a reflection packet summarizing what they learned during their experience.
“This was a very eye opening experience,” eighth grader Katelyn Coffey said. “I learned so much during a ‘day in the life of an attorney’ that I never knew before. One major takeaway from this encounter was that being a lawyer is so much more than merely being in the courtroom and wearing a fancy pantsuit. It’s also about reading briefs, researching various laws, providing an analysis and feedback regarding their findings as well as collaborating with other attorneys. From my dad to the Attorney General himself, this was truly an incredible and enlightening experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world.”
Job shadowing is a valuable tool in helping students determine if a career aligns with their own skills and strengths, and opens up possibilities for a career they may not have considered.
“Job Shadowing gave me the opportunity to test drive a career I was interested in,” eighth grader Rileigh Livingston said. “I really enjoyed my experience and now know that I need to work hard to finish high school with good grades so that I can be accepted into nursing school. I am thankful for the opportunity to observe what it takes to be a nurse and the goals I need to achieve in high school and beyond to succeed in the future.”
While students’ interests may change, by participating in events such as this, they are provided with comprehensive insight into the career field and can make a more informed decision based on their learnings which allows them to narrow down their career choice and link classroom experiences with the world of work.