By Dee Griffin How are those new year resolutions going? With the new year, the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions often comes up. Something about the calendar changing over to a new year give us a sort of clean slate or the opportunity to make changes we have beenContinue Reading

By Dee Griffin Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. Its job is to regulate the amount of glucose in the body. Insulin resistance happens when the cells in the body are not able to respond efficiently to insulin. When this happens, the blood sugar level will increase. OverContinue Reading

By Dee Griffin Inflammation is a natural process that is a response to injury or infection in the body. The process is a complex biological response that is designed as the body’s attempt to protect itself from harmful things such as a pathogen, damaged cells, or other irritants. If inflammationContinue Reading

By Dee Griffin Prediabetes is a term that is used when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Think of it as a warning that diabetes is just around the corner if you don’t do something about it.Continue Reading