By Thomas Grant Jr. The town of Irmo will have a new “nest” available this fall for Gray Collegiate Academy students. At a press conference Thursday afternoon in the school gymnasium, school principal Brian Newsome announced the West Columbia school’s plans to open a satellite campus in the Lake MurrayContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. Barring an updated schedule, Gray Collegiate’s home game Friday against Camden could be its last in the regular season. The War Eagles are scheduled to open Region 3-2A play next week against Eau Claire. However, the Shamrocks and five other region teams (Fairfield Central, Columbia, Newberry,Continue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. A contentious season awaits the Gray Collegiate football team both on and off the field.Ranked second in the preseason Class 2A S.C. Prep Football Media Poll, the War Eagles are considered top contenders to regain the state title it won two years ago. They are blessedContinue Reading