Irmo Little League will play another day at the Junior League World Series in Taylor, Mich. Team Southeast (Irmo) defeated Team Southwest (Lubbock, Texas) 13-3 in five innings Wednesday in the loser’s bracket game. Cooper Derrick hit the first of two, 3-run homers by Team Southeast as part of aContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. The summer of Irmo Little League Baseball continues Monday in Taylor, Mich. A week after the senior team reached the Senior League World Series in Easley, the junior program now gets its turn. The team won the Southeast Region in Bridgewater, Va., beating out seven stateContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. “It’s been surreal.” That was Irmo Little League Seniors team head coach Pete von Ahn’s description of his team’s historic season. This All-Star group of players from Lexington-Richland District Five high schools Chapin, Dutch Fork and Spring Hill reached unchartered territory for the seven-year-old program. NotContinue Reading

By Thomas Grant Jr. The first-ever appearance in the Senior League Baseball World Series for South Carolina Southeast (Irmo) opened in heartbreaking fashion Sunday night in Easley. Grayson Austin’s walkoff RBI single in the bottom of the 7th inning lifted host team South Carolina Post 1 (Easley) past Irmo 3-2Continue Reading

By CT McDonald After winning their recent state tournaments, three Irmo Little League (ILL) teams are now headed for their respective Southeast Regional Tournaments on the road. The ILL Senior Softball, Junior Baseball and Senior Baseball teams each earned state championships and will scatter across the Southeast to compete inContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Irmo Little League (ILL) softball teams will be playing in state tournaments this weekend in Florence and at Friarsgate Park in Irmo. This is in addition to the ILL baseball teams competing in state tournaments this weekend, as reported last week. The 8, 9, and 10-year-old softballContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Irmo Little League baseball teams are headed to state tournaments, and there are more than just a handful of them. Irmo Little League (ILL) will host the 9, 10 and 11-years old Little League Baseball State Tournament at Friarsgate Park next Thursday through Sunday (July 6-9) andContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Irmo Little League (ILL) will be hosting the Minors Baseball District 3 tournament at Friarsgate Park this weekend, and ILL Minors and Majors Softball teams will also be playing district tournaments on Sunday. Five baseball teams from three leagues in the district will play for a chanceContinue Reading

By CT McDonald Little League All-Star tournaments are underway with local Irmo Little League (ILL) teams in the mix. In last weekend’s District 3 Coaches Pitch Baseball tournament two Irmo teams competed with two teams from the Trenholm Little League and two from the Mid-Carolina Little League. Mid-Carolina was theContinue Reading