South Carolina Seven to wind through the Midlands in mid-July By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Members of the SOUTH CAROLINA SEVEN (SC7) expedition logistics-and-planning team gathered for a final event-launch planning session at the Mullikin Law Office complex in Camden, Wed., June 23. The team, most of whom will participateContinue Reading

Five Questions for S.C. Floodwater Commission Chairman Tom Mullikin By Alex Junes-Ward Less than two weeks after the statewide tree-planting effort, POWERPLANTSC, in which some 3.4-million loblolly pine tree seeds (and some saplings) were distributed to sites and organizations in all of South Carolina’s 46 counties, and planted on EarthContinue Reading

SWEEPS ACROSS SOUTH CAROLINA is a partnership between the S.C. Aquarium, the S.C. Floodwater Commission, and SC7 By W. Thomas Smith Jr. The South Carolina Aquarium has partnered with the S.C. Floodwater Commission and the SC7 Expedition for SWEEPS ACROSS SOUTH CAROLINA, a year-long litter clean-up (sweeps) initiative directed byContinue Reading