On June 15 Modern Exterminating Company, Inc. of Columbia celebrated the opening of their third office with a ribbon cutting ceremony. The office will serve as a headquarters for the company’s growing Lexington operations. Modern Exterminating Company is a sixty-five year old, third generation family-owned pest control company headquartered inContinue Reading

The heart of any city is its downtown, where restaurants, boutiques, lawyers, hair salons, theaters, and many more enjoy the bustling hum of commerce. On May 25, 2011, Main Street welcomed a new retailer to its growing chorus of Downtown Columbia institutions when the Mast General Store opened its doorsContinue Reading

Celebrate Freedom Foundation held a ribbon-cutting on Tuesday, May 4 at their facility in the Columbia Metro Airport. The Lexington Chamber of Commerce welcomed CFF as a new member of their organization and guests from all around the Midlands were in attendance. Fellow co-workers, along with veterans and students, watchedContinue Reading