River Springs Elementary School’s 2nd-grade students enjoyed a special Holiday Reading Celebration on Friday, December 20, in the school auditorium. Dressed in cozy pajamas, the children listened intently as guest speakers from the community read holiday-themed stories. One of the highlights was Columbia Fire Department firefighter William Lynch, who broughtContinue Reading

Students from multiple programs at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies in School District Five collaborated to design, build, and light a new display for the Irmo-Chapin Recreation Commission’s annual Saluda Shoals Holiday Lights on the River. This year, they completed a three-dimensional carousel scene featuring Santa’s elves riding reindeerContinue Reading

More than 100 people gathered at Irmo High School on December 13 for its annual Goodwill Brunch. Established nine years ago, the event aims to bridge the generation gap between students and senior citizens by inviting them to enjoy student performances and a traditional Southern breakfast. “The Goodwill Brunch givesContinue Reading

South Carolina Legislature Passes Anti-Bullying/School Safety Proviso 1.103 In May 2024, the South Carolina Legislature enacted Proviso 1.103, known as the Anti-Bullying/School Safety Proviso. This legislation mandates that all school districts in South Carolina implement a policy restricting student access to personal electronic communication devices during the instructional day byContinue Reading

Dutch Fork High School (DFHS) has launched its first-ever Astronomy course, offering students an exciting opportunity to explore the wonders of the universe. Led by District Science teacher and New Ascent Aerospace Ambassador J.M. Cameron, the course has already attracted 65 students enrolled across three sections. The innovative curriculum coversContinue Reading

Leaphart Elementary School marked a major milestone with a 50th-anniversary celebration on the 50th day of school! The event brought together students and staff for a fun-filled day of activities, creativity, and reflection on five decades of memories. The festivities kicked off with a Town Hall Celebration in the schoolContinue Reading

School District Five held a Naturalization Ceremony at Irmo Elementary School recently. Those attending the ceremony represented 18 different countries spanning the globe from Mexico to China. Fourth graders from Irmo Elementary participated in the ceremony with the singing of the National Anthem, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and cheeringContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five is hosting two Magnet Fairs to showcase its specialized programs for students in grades 6-12 and elementary school. These fairs offer families a chance to explore the district’s various magnet offerings and speak directly with representatives from each program. The first fair will take place onContinue Reading

On behalf of the educators, staff, and leadership of School District Five, we deeply appreciate the trust and confidence that residents have placed in us by passing the School District Five Referendum. This result reflects the commitment to our schools, teachers, staff and students by our entire School District FiveContinue Reading