12 more School District Five teachers earn National Board Certification

IRMO – An additional twelve Lexington-Richland School District Five teachers have earned the prestigious National Board Certification (NBCTs) this year, and 36 teachers in School District Five renewed their national certifications.

School District Five ranks among the top for National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) in the state, now touting 247 educators with this prestigious designation.

“National Board Certified teachers in the district play an essential role in improving teaching and learning,” said Dr. Tamara Turner, School District Five Chief of Human Resources. “Many of the district’s NBCTs pursue professional learning opportunities and seek to improve their practice well beyond the National Board-certification journey. We support these educators by providing platforms for them to be active voices in education policy, inspire and coach colleagues, and pursue leadership roles.”

National Board certification is a voluntary, advanced teaching credential that includes an extensive series of performance-based assessments. Educators pursuing the certification must undergo a rigorous process that includes teaching portfolios, student work samples, videotapes and thorough analyses of the candidates’ classroom teaching and student learning. Teachers must also complete written exercises to gauge the depth of their subject-matter knowledge, as well as their effectiveness in teaching those subjects to their students.

School District Five teachers becoming National Board-certified this year include: Jared Clayton (Spring Hill High), Rachel DiMaria (Lake Murray Elementary), Carolyn Duncan (Piney Woods Elementary), Daniel Dupont (Dutch Fork High), Stefanie Fowler (Spring Hill High), Anna Hinson (Spring Hill High), Kaylee Harvell (Nursery Road Elementary), Kristin Johnson (Chapin Middle), Kellie Masone (Spring Hill High), Melissa McClary (Chapin High), Martie Newmyer (Piney Woods Elementary), and Alyssa Powers (Oak Pointe Elementary).

Renewing certification are the following School District Five teachers: Robin Campbell (Lake Murray Elementary), Andrew Collins (Spring Hill High), Amy Collins (Piney Woods Elementary), Anne Downs (Dutch Fork Elementary), Abby Dreher (Lake Murray Elementary), Angelique Dyar (Chapin Intermediate), Leah Frick (Chapin Elementary), Amanda Hill (Oak Pointe Elementary), Katherine Jones (Nursery Road Elementary), Laura Ward (Irmo Elementary), Tammy McCarthy (CrossRoads Intermediate), Jane Melven (Harbison West Elementary), Celestine Pough (Dutch Fork High), Lori Powers (Dutch Fork Middle), Uma Purohit (Dutch Fork High), Erika Cartledge (District Office), Christine Steiger (Irmo High), Allison Stevenson (River Springs Elementary), Kurt Stiglbauer (FIVE), Laurie Taylor (Chapin High), Rebecca Valencia (Dutch Fork High), Mary Waites (Dutch Fork High), Kayla Williams (Harbison West Elementary), and Loribeth Wolfe (Dutch Fork High).