By Al Dozier The town of Irmo is beginning a new effort to make Irmo a “beautiful” town.                                   At the Dec. 17 meeting the council approved a contract with Bowman Engineering to perform services in the amount of $10,500 to prepare cost estimates for beautification improvements to signalized intersections alongContinue Reading

Columbia Children’s Theatre (CCT) is calling on the community for support during a critical time. The unexpected closure of Richland Mall last year left CCT without a home, forcing the organization into a challenging and costly relocation process. Already dealing with the lingering financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, theContinue Reading

Whitney Ann Wilks and Nicholas Alexandru Goodwin, both of Chapin, South Carolina, are excited to announce their engagement. The couple will be married on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at Gateway Baptist Church. The ceremony will begin at 4:00 p.m. and will be officiated by Pastor Don Brock. A reception willContinue Reading

By Eileen Renders After menopause, women become increasingly susceptible to bone loss. However, aging men who become increasingly inactive can also develop bone loss. Osteopenia is a condition that occurs when the body does not make new bone as quickly as old bone is reabsorbed. Usually, there are no symptomsContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose Our initial article focused on Global Warming’s natural causes. Now, let’s examine human actions’ evidence. When the sun shines rays toward Earth, radiation is absorbed by the environment or bounces back into space. Unfortunately, heated-reflective-rays are trapped by atmospheric gases known as the “Greenhouse Effect” which increaseContinue Reading

Carolina Wings in Ballentine transformed into a festive wonderland on December 7 as River Springs Elementary students, teachers, and parents gathered for their annual Polar Express celebration. Everyone, including Principal Matthew Gams, wore cozy pajamas while enjoying a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and plenty of hot chocolate. This year markedContinue Reading

One man’s fear is another man’s career. By Tom Come the cold, dormant months, few snakes, if any, are out and about. Perhaps winter makes a good time to read about the critters many fear. You know, the only good snake is a dead snake. The irrational fear ofContinue Reading

By State Treasurer Curtis Loftis People with a disability and their families know that simply navigating life can come with a high price tag. On average, the cost of living with a disability is 28 percent higher than without. Needs such as medical care, specialized equipment, assistive technology, adaptive housing,Continue Reading