By Mike DuBose Attending universities or technical schools is expensive and skyrockets when students pursue advanced degrees or out-of-state-institutions. Colleges provide detailed, on-line-cost-calculators for estimated expenses. Yearly pricing varies but examples (includes tuition, campus housing, meals, and fees) are Clemson University ($35,000), University of South Carolina ($39,000), Winthrop ($30,000), andContinue Reading

The SkillsUSA chapter at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) traveled to Atlanta, Georgia June 19 – 24 to compete in the National Championships. 36 students made the trip with 34 participating across 20 different competitions. Two of the students, Quinn Anhar and Ryan Hill, were representatives forContinue Reading

The SkillsUSA chapter at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies (The Center) traveled to Atlanta, Georgia from June 19, 2023, through June 24, 2023 to compete in the National Championships. 36 students made the trip with 34 competing across 20 different competitions. Two of the students, Quinn Anhar and RyanContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five’s FIRST Robotics Competition team representing all four high schools, The Pandamaniacs, won the third annual South Carolina Robotics and Practical tournament July 15, 2023 in Sumter. They competed against teams from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina with a new upgrade of the team’s 2023Continue Reading

Three School District Five students will compete in the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. Mustafa Azhar and Aira Brown (Dutch Fork Middle) as well as Cameron Hashimi (Chapin Middle) placed among the top 10 percent of participants at their Society-affiliated science fairs.Continue Reading

Controversy over a lesson being taught by Chapin High School teacher Mary Wood brought a maximum crowd to the Lexington Richland Five school board meeting on Monday, July 17. The book ’Between the World and Me’ written by Ta-Nehisi Coates, who attended the meeting, is about racism experiences through first-handContinue Reading

By: Curtis Loftis South Carolina State Treasurer   As a firm believer in the many benefits of saving with a Future Scholar 529 plan, I commend families who consistently contribute to their accounts to help pay for a loved one’s future education. They can be proud their dedication will provideContinue Reading

Turning Pages SC, an adult literacy nonprofit, and Richland Library have joined forces in a partnership aimed at improving literacy in the community. This collaboration supports Turning Pages tutors and adult learners, providing free and accessible learning experiences in a supportive environment. Turning Pages SC provides more than 50 freeContinue Reading