SC Career Kids is launching an After School Career Club for elementary students in grades K- 5th grade in Lexington-Richland School District Five. The program will be housed at Irmo Elementary School. Students will meet after school Tuesdays to explore careers through hands-on activities while working alongside career experts. SCCKContinue Reading

By Sarah Ostergaard CRT, SEL, DEI, oh my. Is CRT in our schools? Yes, if you define the acronym CRT to mean Culturally Responsive Teaching.  There seems a misunderstanding that CRT is SEL, and vice versa, that DEI excludes people, and none of it belongs in OUR (not an acronym)Continue Reading

The D-5 School Board has worked hard to ensure safety and security are a priority as our studnents have returned to school. There are three professionals that are employed on our security team and they are all fully trained to carry a weapon. There has been first reading on aContinue Reading

Leaphart Elementary School STEAM Magnet has installed a new hydroponics tower from Lettuce Grow on campus. Hydroponic gardening is water-based, growing plants and herbs without soil. The tower will serve as an instructional tool to engage students while learning about food production, nutrition education, and STEM explorations. “During the previous school year,Continue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five teacher Peter Lauzon is one of 50 public school educators from 45 states who will participate in the National Education Association (NEA) Foundation Global Learning Fellowship next year. Lauzon teaches Biomedical Sciences at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies and has been teaching for 35 years.Continue Reading

South Carolina Connections Academy, an online public school serving students in grades K-12, began its 2022-2023 school year August 16 under the new leadership of Alicia Hughes, who was recently appointed executive director of the virtual school. South Carolina Connections Academy serves about 6,800 students and more than 250 staffContinue Reading

Lexington-Richland School District Five will hold its 2023 high school graduation ceremonies Wednesday, May 31 and Thursday, June 1 at the Colonial Life Arena. Chapin High School: May 31 at 8:00 a.m. Dutch Fork High School: May 31 at 12:00 p.m. Irmo High School: May 31 at 4:00 p.m. SpringContinue Reading

Nursery Road Elementary-Arts Magnet teacher Leigh Burnette was honored by the Columbia Fireflies and given a Neon Apple. Burnette was recognized at the Fireflies game on August 5. She was nominated for the award by Meredith Harvey. “Ms. Burnette gives everything she has for her students. She is committed toContinue Reading

Lexington Richland School District Five held a ‘Kickoff Event’ on Friday, August 12 at Irmo High School where they invited all employees of District Five to attend. The rally included teachers, staff, bus drivers and everyone associated with the district. The gymnasium of Irmo High School was packed to theContinue Reading