In response to the evolving addiction crisis that is impacting communities throughout South Carolina, South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) Director Sara Goldsby and Governor Henry McMaster has announced a new partnership involving the state’s three research universities that will improve the state’s ability toContinue Reading

The Ballentine Community Center will be hosting a free pilates event on January 6 from 10 – 11 am. Classical Pilates is a workout for the mind and body. Emphasis is on control, centering, concentration, precision and flow, unlocking the breath and strengthening the powerhouse for greater overall health andContinue Reading

Well Pets Irmo will celebrate with a grand opening and open house on December 8 at 11:30 am. Well Pets provides routine care as well as after-hours urgent care. They provide care for cats and dogs in all stages of life. They are located at 7400 Carlisle Street in Irmo.Continue Reading

Lexington Medical Center is pleased to announce it has awarded $1,330,650 to organizations in the Midlands that enhance the health and well-being of community members. Lexington Medical Center’s Community Outreach Committee and the Lexington Medical Center Foundation award the grants. This year’s grants went to the American Red Cross; BrooklandContinue Reading

Predawn PT with the sheriff is an annual event By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott kicked-off his 69 th birthday the same way hecelebrates October 3 every year – with a challenging predawn workout at the RichlandCounty Sheriff’s Department’s (RCSD) Crossfit Gym in Forest Acres: NotContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose All of us experience major distress during our lifetimes. As a result, our thoughts and emotions impact happiness, productivity, and relationships. Our mental and physical health are greatly affected by moods and circumstances. Some of us bounce back from life’s major problems, while others need extra helpContinue Reading

Lexington Medical Center is pleased to announce Lexington Medical Cancer Center’s Clinical Research and Education affiliation with MUSC Hollings Cancer Center in Charleston, SC. This partnership will provide Lexington Medical Center patients access to MUSC’s National Cancer Institute-designated clinical trials and continue to ensure they receive high quality and comprehensiveContinue Reading