Irmo Chamber names student, teacher of the month

The Irmo Chamber of Commerce’s Student and Teacher of the Month from Ballentine Elementary School are Lana Featner and Kaylyn Edmondson (not pictured).

Assistant Principal Zach Keister said, “Ms. Edmondson was voted by her peers to be our schools Teacher of the Year. She is an asset to our school. The proof that she is an amazing teacher is that she was asked to loop with her students and 100 percent of the parents supported their students having her as their child’s teacher for a second year in a row.”

Keister said, “Everyone can learn something from 5th grader Lana Featner. Her teacher said she helps out with our Care Bear class every day for the past 4 years. She is a bright light and a joy to be around. She has brought countless smiles to the faces of special students. Every morning she comes in before school begins and has responsibilities to help get the classroom setup for the students. She is a leader that her peers can learn from and look up to.”