Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Contest: Unleash Your Poetic Bloom

Calling all poets and nature enthusiasts! The Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival is delighted to announce the commencement of its Haiku Contest, an invitation to capture the essence of the cherry blossom through the art of traditional haiku.

Nature has long been an inspiration for poets, and the cherry blossom, with its ephemeral beauty, serves as a perfect muse. The festival encourages artists to compose haikus that reflect the beauty of cherry blossom buds, flowers, trees, and the enchanting bloom of the sakura.

Here are the details for the Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Contest:

  • Submission Period: Haikus can be submitted via [email protected] starting February 14 until March 1.
  • Posting on Facebook: All haikus will be shared on the Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival Facebook page using the author’s initials.
  • Judging: Renowned local writer and public school teacher, Tim Mueller, will be the discerning judge selecting the winners.
  • Announcement: The winners, along with honorable mentions, will be announced on March 4, 2024. Limit one submission per poet.

Tim Mueller, with a wealth of experience in both teaching and haiku writing, will bring his keen literary eye to select the most evocative and enchanting haikus.

Mueller, who started writing haiku seriously in 2014, has crafted over 5,000 haikus, some of which have found a home in publications like Haiku Journal and 50 Haikus. His dedication to the art and his expertise make him the perfect judge for this blossoming contest. As a teacher since 1985, Mueller currently imparts the beauty of creative writing to high school students in Columbia.

If you’re inspired by the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms and wish to weave it into the delicate structure of a haiku, seize this opportunity to participate in the Irmo Cherry Blossom Festival Haiku Contest. The winners and their timeless verses will be celebrated not only on the festival’s Facebook page but also across various social media platforms. May your words bloom as beautifully as the cherry blossoms themselves!