Jason “JJ” Resnick is an invigorating force

Dear Editor,
I am writing to make my opinion heard that our County Council is in dire need of new council members who have a fresh outlook on the needs of our community. Jason “JJ” Resnick is that invigorating force, who clearly sees what our community lacks in infrastructure and emergency medical services. He is an exemplary, hard-working, caring human being who is highly respected in our business community. He is also respected for how much he cares about whether the constituents’ voices are heard and whether their needs are met.

As a former EMS first-responder, Jason brings a first-hand, educated view on our need for improved emergency medical services and response times. Our community demands a highly trained EMS workforce along with ambulances that are fully equipped to render immediate assistance in life threatening emergencies. At a recent community ribbon-cutting ceremony, I saw first-hand the importance of rendering aid quickly to a patient in need. Jason, who was in attendance, quickly jumped into action and rendered aid when a participant in the ceremony fainted. The patient was stabilized, and the proper officials were called. Old or young, no one knows when it could be them who is in a life-or-death situation at the mercy of our EMS system. We all deserve to have necessary aid rendered in adequate timing. Our EMS workers are amazing and need higher pay and better working conditions or we will never retain them

In my endorsement of Jason Resnick, I have no doubt that he is the person we need on our county council in District 6. He is a candidate who has lived in and loved this community for over 20 years. He has clearly identified immediate needs, EMS services being at the top of the list. Most importantly, he will strive to bring all parties together for the betterment of all our lives in this wonderful community. Please vote for Jason “JJ” Resnick on June 11th!

   Al Koon