Billy Warren, Lexington County resident and businessman has announced he is running for the office of Lexington County Sheriff in the 2024 election cycle. He is promoting crime prevention by having a proactive Sheriff Department that puts the public first. He said he has the experience to make that changeContinue Reading

Southern Rock meets the Newberry Opera House with A Brother’s Revival, an Allman Brother’s Tribute Band on October 8 at 8 pm. This tribute concert celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Allman Brothers. The group has a musical director who recorded and toured with the original group. David “Rook” GoldfliesContinue Reading

Jeanette Thompson, Director of The After School Zone Academy, recently received a check from the Irmo Future Growth Corporation. The grant program provides financial assistance to businesses in the town that are recovering from many months of financial losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All local Irmo businesses are welcomeContinue Reading

Mayor Barry Walker told the town council at their workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 5 that the Broad River Road lane widening project is back on thanks to negotiations with Richland County Council. The widening will create 5 lanes from Royal Tower Rd. to the fork at Broad River and DutchContinue Reading

By W. Thomas Smith Jr. Columbia’s Boyer Commercial Construction and Grand Strand Medical Center in Myrtle Beach were both presented the 2021 Department of Defense Freedom Award by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) during ceremonies at the Governor’s Mansion, Sept. 28. “Both companies are being recognizedContinue Reading

Irmo Town Councilman Bill Danielson, currently running for reelection, spoke on October 1 to the Optimist Club of St. Andrews-Irmo. Councilman Danielson highlighted both near- and long-term issues that challenge the Council. Near-term, Mr. Danielson described a climate in which small businesses are struggling to remain intact and viable underContinue Reading

By Al Dozier Three candidates are seeking a seat on the Lexington-Richland School District 5 school board in a special election scheduled for Oct. 12. Nurse practitioner Haley Griggs, financial consultant Jeff Herring, and Dutch Fork Middle School improvement council member Tifani Moore are in the race for the RichlandContinue Reading

The Lexington Medical Center Foundation is celebrating breast cancer survivors and the people who support them throughout the month of October with a campaign called “Circle of Care.” Community members can make donations to programs that support breast cancer survivors throughout the Midlands as well as honor survivors, caregivers andContinue Reading

Dear Editor: We have a pandemic in this country but it is not Covid-19.  The present virus crisis is only a symptom of the true pandemic.  Our true pandemic is hatred and arrogant ignorance.  Our citizens are spoiled and pampered.  They do not seem to understand nor appreciate what itContinue Reading