On July 12 the iconic Irmo eyesore was finally razed in the middle of town. The nearly century-old building had a long and somewhat boring run as the centerpiece of Irmo but held the spot at the major intersection of Lake Murray Boulevard and St. Andrews Road for generations ofContinue Reading

The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department Explorer program is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 year. Participants ages 14-20 will get a behind-the-scenes look into a career in law enforcement. Students meet every Tuesday evening during the months of September through June. Exploring is part of the Boy Scouts of America programmingContinue Reading

July 17 – 25, 2021 Beat the heat and enjoy a week of cosmically cool fun all about space with FREE general admission for kids under 12! Enjoy exhibition tours, special live sky planetarium experiences, a new 4-d show and lots more. Activities are included with museum general admission orContinue Reading

The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) is launching a four-day virtual auction to support the nonprofit’s conservation and education programming. The online auction features hunting and fishing trips, exclusive vacation packages, outdoor gear, wildlife art, specialty gifts, spa packages, and more. The Wild Summer Nights Online Auction goes live toContinue Reading

Bill Davis, director of Richland County Utilities, was recently selected to represent South Carolina within a worldwide organization of water industry professionals. Davis will serve as a junior delegate on the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) House of Delegates (HOD). Following his one-year term, Davis will step into the role ofContinue Reading

Lexington County 4-H returned from South Carolina 4-H State Congress July 10. The State Congress is an annual four-day personal development event is held at Clemson University. Senior 4-H members (ages 14-18) experience college life by staying in the dorms and eating at the college dining halls. Clemson University personnelContinue Reading

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your State Representative in Columbia. With the first year of our two-year session complete, I wanted to share an update on the accomplishments and progress we made. This year was challenging and out of the ordinary in many ways. WeContinue Reading

Members of St. Andrews Woman’s Club worked with The SC Aquarium to clean up Saluda Shoals Park on June 25. The SC Aquarium provided supplies needed for the event and spoke with participants about the impacts of trash on wildlife and the environment. SAWC participants were (l to r) MaryContinue Reading

Each year, the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) audits hundreds of businesses. The audits help ensure compliance with the state’s tax laws. What can trigger an audit? The SCDOR uses data analytics to assist with audit selection and sometimes conducts “relationship audits,” which develop from information gathered during anotherContinue Reading

On June 8 at the Hunter-Gatherer Brewery at the Curtiss-Wright Hangar, the Columbia Chamber and the Leadership Columbia Advisory Board (LCAB) honored 36 graduates of the Leadership Columbia program. The Class of 2021 completed an orientation, a retreat, ten class days and a class project with the Midlands Fatherhood Coalition.Continue Reading

The Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority (The COMET) is proud to announce that Pamela Bynoe-Reed, the organization’s Director of Marketing & Community Affairs/PIO has been selected by Integrated Media Publishing as one of the 2021 SC Women in Business: Women to Watch. The prestigious award honors selected businesswomen across SouthContinue Reading