After years of effort and numerous setbacks, demolition contractors have set this Friday morning to tear down the old furniture store at Woodrow St. and Lake Murray Blvd. The building was originally built in 1929 as a store to provide goods for the construction of the Lake Murray Dam. ItContinue Reading

Koon’s Watch You spend your hard-earned money on vehicles — vehicles you use to transport your family to sporting events, drive yourself to work, take your kids to school and so much more. Unfortunately, in 2019 alone, nearly three-quarters of a million vehicles were stolen in the United States, costingContinue Reading

By CT McDonald South Carolina American Legion Baseball teams were to play their final games of the regular season Wednesday, excluding any makeup games still to be played. Lexington Post 7 was holding on to first place in League 3 at the time, with Camden Post 17 and Chapin/Newberry PostContinue Reading

Open Letter As Chair of the Lexington/Richland District 5 School Board, I want to assure our community that District 5 is moving forward. We will be concentrating on the well-being of all our students. We will seek, and encourage, teacher input as we set our goals and vision for theContinue Reading

Forbes has named the Capital City/Lake Murray Country region a top Southern Destination of 2021. “This is wonderful publicity for our region and it’s a great time for our region to stand out from the rest,” said Miriam Atria, President/CEO of Capital City Lake Murray Country. For the full storyContinue Reading

The Town of Irmo and Prisma Health held a 4th of July celebration in the Prisma Health Amphitheater in the community Park of Irmo. The event featured a screening of the Film Independence Day, food, and fireworks.Continue Reading

By Nancy Nelson Current lumber prices are adding $24000 to the price tag of a typical new single family home according to the National Association of Home Builders. Builders are finding it increasingly more difficult to deliver new built, affordable homes due to the spike in lumber costs. The priceContinue Reading

Remember all the talk about how elected officials, government, etc. should be more transparent.  I agreed then and still do. I read the other day where at the Special Called Meeting on June 29th Council voted and approved Irmo Town Administrator Bob Brown’s “request to retire”.  Never heard of thatContinue Reading

Thanks to a donation from American Floral to the District 5 Foundation, Kendall Smith received a grant for her biomedical research project, Magnetic IVC Filter Retrieval System. Kendall, a Spring Hill High School student took her Biomedical classes at the District 5 Center for Advanced Technical Studies. Julie Krusen wasContinue Reading